Sofia's Portfolio
Through my experiences, the most valuable thing I have learned is to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. When traveling and meeting new people discomfort is a common feeling, however, I quickly realized that it is only temporary. I would get very nervous when taking on an unknown task but after doing it enough times through things like studying abroad or simply traveling I learned to embrace it and learn from it. My experiences with the International Scholars Program have helped build my skill set for the future through extracurricular activities, international experiences and globally diverse events on campus. These experiences helped me realize I was stronger and more aware than I knew.
One of the most immersive experiences I had was my study abroad in the summer of 2022. Here I really got to learn about the Spanish culture and test my own boundaries. Despite speaking Spanish at home, I had to overcome a language barrier because of the change in dialect. I also faced this struggle when I traveled to other countries during my program. When I traveled to places like France, Italy or Portugal I learned to use my understanding of romantic languages to piece things together to understand. However, when I traveled to places like Hungary or Austria, I struggled a lot more and had to rely on context clues and body language to better understand them. During this experience, I also learned new ways of living. I learned to use public transportation in another country and became more aware of my surroundings. Overall, this international experience helped me become more confident in my ability to handle myself in unknown situations.
Another experience that really helped me grow my cultural awareness is my work with Navigators. I got to meet people from so many different places, some I did not even know existed. Through mentoring other students, I learned about their cultures and customs and found ways to connect with them to build lasting relationships.
Two of the most important or useful things I learned as an international scholar are cultural awareness and adaptability. Through my different experiences, I realized that there were so many different customs and ways of living. Whether it was through studying abroad and immersing myself in the Spanish culture or simply being told about different Australian traditions from my mentees I learned so much about what living is like outside of the United States. Also, when I was studying abroad and traveling through different countries, I learned to be adaptable. I learned to “roll with the punches” and take situations as they came. For example, when I touched down in a new country I spoke to locals to find out what was the best way to get around and which places I should visit in my time there. I also had to adapt to the language barrier in some countries and make my way around with context clues.
Also, throughout my travels, I realized that I am very sociable. Despite having language barriers in with people I was still able to spark up a conversation everywhere I went. Using Google Translate and context clues I was able to have full conversations with people from places like China or Hungary where they speak very different languages than what I am accustomed to. Through this, I also became better at having conversations in languages I do understand because I learned to ask more questions.
Finally, I look forward to using all these skills and more once I graduate. Graduating with a degree in public relations means I need to be an effective communicator in an array of markets. These experiences are helping me become a better communicator with people from different markets. Something I am passionate about is diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I). One of the major components of DE&I is cultural awareness. Being educated and learning about different cultures is a great way of becoming more culturally aware. This is a skill that this experience has helped me develop. My experience with the International Scholars Program also sparked my curiosity and interest in living abroad for a few years. After interning in Madrid, I realized that I could really see myself living and working there for at least a few years. These experiences were only an introduction to what my life will look like post-graduation.
Overall, I am extremely grateful for all the things that the International Scholars Program has taught me and the fire that it ignited in me. It made me look forward to the future and helped me discover my passion for travel and culture. My time with the International Scholars Program may be coming to an end but I look forward to continuing learning and growing from culturally diverse experiences.